That's it ! You have finally chosen the perfect pair of skis for you ! Now, before you set out to tackle your favorite slopes at Val Thorens, you still have one last important step: correctly adjust your bindings.
To ski safely and allow the binding to play its role of both supporting your foot and protecting your knees in the event of a fall, several parameters must be taken into account:
- Size
- Age
- Weight
- Size
- Sex
- Ski level
1) Adjust your binding to your ski boot
You must first find the length of your shoe: it is generally engraved on the heel or side of it and expressed in millimeters.

This size will allow you to adjust the front of your binding: On the new models, the system is simplified and you will only have to pull on the tab to unlock the adjustment system. You must slide the front of your binding until you reach the number interval in which your size is located, all this while keeping the tab raised:

Example: If my shoe size is 296 mm, I move my binding until I reach the interval 292 mm/300 mm.

To lock the attachment, simply clip the tab again.
The same adjustments must be made on the rear of the binding. Once again, use the tab to unlock the device, and slide the binding to the interval corresponding to your size.
You may have to adjust your settings slightly based on the measurements: enter the front of the shoe into the binding, then the back. When pressing on the shoe, it should click into place easily, and both ends of the shoe should be firmly caught in the binding.

Now that you have adjusted your binding to your shoe, it is time to move on to the weight:
2) Set the trigger value
This adjustment is very important since it will determine the triggering threshold of the binding in the event of a fall. It must therefore not be too high so that your ski comes off in the event of a fall (and thus protects your knee from the all-too-famous rupture of the cruciate ligaments...), nor too low so that you do not lose your ski all the time. fields while skiing. The trigger value is determined based on different factors, such as level of practice, weight, age, etc.

This adjustment is located on the front and back of each of the bindings, and looks like a graduation. The values correspond to the release value of the binding: the higher the number, the less easily the binding will release the foot in the event of a fall. Be careful with the value you choose, and do not hesitate to seek professional support.
Use a Phillips screwdriver to move the values by tightening or loosening the compression. Do this on the front and back of each fastener as in the images below.

For information purposes, AFNOR (French Association of NORmalization) has released a table allowing the tightening value to be determined based on different parameters. (Standard ISO 11088 of 2006)
The first line of the following table corresponds to the length of the ski boot sole in millimeters.
If you come across an empty box in the table, take the closest number on the same line, except for skiers weighing more than 94 kg, in which case you must take the closest value in the size column.

Finally, this setting must be adjusted according to the skier's profile using the following table:

3) On older binding models: Compression adjustments
Once the binding is engaged, you will now see the compression adjustment appear. This adjustment is important, it allows the binding to follow the flexion of the ski when it bends under your feet during turns.
This is most often a yellow indicator that must be placed in the middle of the adjustment zone. To do this, you must move the heel piece forward or back a few millimeters until the desired result is achieved.
If you have any doubts about your settings, do not hesitate to seek advice from an expert by visiting one of the sports stores Val Thorens. Now that you're ready to hit your favorite slopes, all you have to do is enjoy the Val Thorinoise snow!