Electric quads and electric cars
Rental by Les Ti'Lutins
- Activity open from 06/07 to 31/08
- 3 to 5 years
- Open daily from 10h to 19h
- Price: €4 for 15 mins and €8 for 30 mins
- Location of the activity: Les Menuires, Bruyères district
The Ti'Lutins • 06 17 72 92 77 • 3valleesloisirs.com
Rental by La Ferme des P'tits Loups
- Activity open from 06/07 to 31/08
- 3 to 5 years
- Open daily from 10h to 19h
- Price: €4 for 15 mins and €8 for 30 mins
- Location of the activity: Les Menuires, La Croisette
3 valleys leisure • 06 17 72 92 77
Things to do in Val Thorens
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